Saturday, April 07, 2007


This was part of dinner at A's birthday on the 3rd.
From the green on your left: Tintern chive and onion (nice, slightly bland; a bit like Lay's sour cream and onion chips), cranberry (my second favourite), cheddar (the Welsh cheddar we bought separately, not featured, is much better), cheese with mustard seeds (excellent; down to a mere sliver now), and Brie (blah).
In the background, extremely yummy spring onion crackers from Marks and Spencer.
Everybody was so stuffed by the end of A's dinner that no one even touched the cheese plate. It has therefore been left to us three (with extremely enthusiastic input from me) to consume this spread. We haven't yet finished a single one - but the mustard will be the first to go.
It's bright and sunny today, people are mowing their lawns, breaking out their skirts and T-shirts, even sunbathing in their yards. We are also celebrating the weather by having a barbecue this evening - defrosting at the moment: chicken, fish and prawns. We are going to have a very protein-rich dinner. Photo up later.

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