Tuesday, July 19, 2005

And the book is over

After racing through the first five, suffering much anguish that I had not finished Phoenix by the 16th, I finally finished Prince 2 days after its release. Still rather upset by ending.
But had a cheering chat with shtl where she expounded all her theories about who did what why. Then again this morn did a quick flip through to the bits I wanted to reread and handing over to Van.
Now extremely sleepy (stayed awake till 3) and only wanting to read Book 7. As for book - agree with the sis - it is all getting much of a muchness. Obviously this is only vehicle to litter clues in and save up the best for Book 7.
Hopefully it is the best.
Then this morning, certain flatmates are expounding theory that I am 'strange' or rather stranger than her 'normal' strangeness.
We shall do a quick handcount here. All against this statement, raise their hands. All in agreement - please cite reasons. And make them well-thought out and loophole free!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Moving out

So, the edit team, basically K and yours truly, has been chucked out from inside our cubicle to out in the corridor. Which means a couple of things
1. I get to hear Cosmo discuss all their sex articles
2. I get a view of rain on the big windows
3. My ed can walk up behind me while I play games on yahoo
4. N manages to hug me/put hand my shoulder at least once a day
5. I look straight at the door that leads to the loo - yes, I know who's in there right now
6. Phones now ring incessantly all around me, since P never picks hers up and N ain't there half the time. Also K gets a whole lot more calls than my earlier neighbour ever did
7. The idiots who made this worktable have put the keyboard drawer on my right hand, the hole for the wires on the left. So if my keyboard is put in the drawer I face one way and the comp faces the other.
8. The woman who can fix the workstation crisis is on leave till Monday.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Blog on demand

So people sitting with their back to me want me to update my blog? Of course... Your wish is my command K. But what to say...
a) it's a beautiful day
b) I'm wearing a knee-length skirt (yes, to office)
c) we're going shopping in the evening (shoes, big bowl of soup and apple pie shake await)
d) the parents are back (with belgian carpet, 2-kg drill, crystal vase and four tins of whiskas in tow - sans half their clothes coz they were overweight)
e) S is back from Chennai, which is 'all the same on the surface, but is promiscuous and incestuous underneath'. Also she has finished a short novel and her masterplan is to send it to Ninan and hope he is so struck by her brilliance that he will illustrate it asap, and also get it published. And she told her husband that she'd finished the book and would he want to read it - he said just give me the summary!
f) P has spent 3K on her phone card (think of all the things she coulda bought)
g) Harry Potter 6 is only 12 days away - and I'm not going to be able to read 3 and 4 unless i buy them again. Oh no!
No more blog - have to think this out now